Kustia Panna Master Video

Panna Master. A name of teacher in Kustia. He is the reknown as ‘sex king’ of this area. His full name is Helal Uddin Panna. He also have sexual relations with a lot of student like Jayadhar who was teacher of Viquarunnesa Noon School. Panna did same style hidden camera videos with his lady students. After the trap has many more blackmale with students. Panna Master angry mob tried to ‘Ganapituni’ the local rescue him recently. The ruling was safely

A sob story of Baloch boy!

My Name is Imdad Baloch, President of Baloch Youth Wing.  I have contacted you to report serious large scale human rights violations.  66 Years ago, on March 27th 1948, Pakistan forcefully occupied Balochistan.  Since then, Pakistan has conducted six major military offensive operations in the occupied Balochistan region.  The province being rich in natural resources, and strategically located between Iran

Credit Disbursement between Private and Public Sector

Growth of credit in private sector registered at 11.07 percent in September 2013 over September 2012 and it was lower than the growth of 19.88 percent witnessed at the same time of the previous
year. The target of credit in private sector in the current MPS (Monetary Policy Statement) has been set at 15.5 percent by December 2013. This target is 3.0 percentage points less than the target (18.5 percent)


Overall net NPLs increased to 4.38 percent in 2012 from 0.70 percent in 2011. In 2011, net-NPLs were 0.34 and 16.95 percent in state owned commercial banks (SCBs) and development financial institutions (DFIs) respectively, whereas in 2012, the percentages stood too high as 12.82 and 20.4 respectively.
State owned commercial banks (SCBs) have achieved nearly zero percent of return on assets (ROA) over