than18 minutes in length. This is the first video which is made outside of country. Though it was outside of Bangladesh, basically United States of America but recently this video is in the hands of the many young people.
After the incident has rocked the arena after her break up. However, some have claimed that the video is not made by Akhi Alamagir. The heroin of this video is not Akhi Alamgir.
In many website we found that the porn video is 18 minutes and 36 seconds. When video was shoot Akhi looked at the camera at the beginning. After that she was taking beer with his boyfriend. There was some news that her boyfriend is a model of the capital Dhaka. It is said that the video was recorded in the drawing room or the living room of a house in the elite . For 18 minutes sex they didn't use bed at all. Everything was on the sofa! Akhi was laughing during the intercourse. However, this new porn video on internet was first seen in the last Ramadan in America. Though It was removed within a few days but recently it massively spread up in Bangladesh.

Young people are searching it In Google search and it is widely available in recent times . In YouTube there is also some videos of Akhi Alamgir. As an alternative to save some of the pictures are taken that it be heard on this Compact Disk, Flash Drive, Mobile Phone memory. About this video Akhi Alamgir told that she did not have any nude videos till today. All are propaganda against her. Media have found real news, which is right and which is wrong!
You can find some videos on YouTube:
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